(Photo Courtesy of Celebs Wallpaper.net)
There has been a lot of buzz around the MTV VMA’s show this week. The biggest buzz is Miley Cyrus, her performance and the impression she made on the minds of young children. I was past my years of watching Hannah Montana when it was on TV but I have seen a few episodes and can say that the Miley Cyrus we saw on the VMA’s Award Show is NOT the Miley Cyrus we use to see on Hannah Montana. I’m sure she wants to break away from the popular Disney show and that’s fine, show the world you’re grown up but I think she’s gone too far. Yes, she has the right to be who she wants but I wish she would have had more thought as to what she would do to millions of children around the world that are watching her. Being a celebrity you have so many people watching you, there are responsibilities as a celebrity to be a role model for kids.
A comforting thought is that even though young children may look up to celebrities and may follow their every move on all the Social Media sites, they aren’t going to try to be exactly like them because hey, they really don’t know these people. So who do they know? Who do they look to for guidance and examples of good behavior?
I recently read a GREAT article from Verily Magazine and I wanted to share a really few good points.
“So who are your kids watching the most? You might convince yourself its a popular boy band, a movie actress, a country singer, or a gold-medal athlete—but don’t be naïve. Kids may seem to follow their favorite celebrities every move, but the one they’re seeing up close and personal is you.”
“Whether you are an aunt, uncle, grandparent, sister, brother, friend, or teacher, remember that you may be the greatest role model in their lives. Kids are waiting for your approval, your warnings, your reactions, your guidance, and watching whether you do as you say. You have more influence than any untouchable and unattainable celebrity seen on a screen or heard through a speaker.”
So even though Miley Cyrus maybe put a few bad thoughts and actions into our children from her performance, we really have the power and influence over our children. Be sure to do what you say and mean what you say because they’re always looking at us, even if we don’t know it.
Be sure to check out the full article here for some talking points to go over with your children about the performance they saw so maybe you can get through to them about whether this behavior was acceptable or not.
Ashley Yvonne Photography, a Local Florida Photographer in the Tampa Bay area specializing in Family and Children Photography, Portraits, Water Birth and Newborn Photography.
Blog Post Author: Ashley Whitehead