St Petersburg Florida Home Birth Story

As St Petersburg, Florida Home Birth Photographer, I like to ask my birth Mama’s to give us their Birth Story. Whether they choose to have a Natural Home Birth in the water, in the hospital, etc is completely up to them. Every story is unique and genuine and I love the words to go along with our photos and video.

mom relaxing in waterhand holding parents

Here’s the Birth Story of Ms. Caroline B, of her beautiful baby Boy Enzo’s entrance into this world. He arrived February 5, 2016 at 9:44 pm. He was 8 pounds 12 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long.

I woke up with that “this is the day” feeling. I had contractions or surges as we call them in the hypnobirthing world, all day but nothing that stopped my daily routine. I went to lunch with my husband, stopped at the grocery store and then around 5 pm I was certain I was in labor. Since we chose to have a homebirth, I wasn’t in a hurry to get anywhere and spent most of the evening with my family laboring in our hot tub. young woman birthing baby boy in water
I text our midwife around 7 saying that things seemed to be picking up, she arrived at 7:45 and our beautiful baby boy entered the world shortly after. baby boy minutes old
He was welcomed by his entire family and our younger daughter jumped right into the birth pool following his birth and said with the most innocent, sweetest voice “mama you did magic”. 
 family of five enjoying newborn boyI’ll never forget…
This was by far my favorite birth simply because my two daughters were so involved. I had worried a little that they would be distracting or possibly scared but it was the complete opposite. 
They were so excited and so loving during the labor process. 
I loved how tender and sweet they, as well as my husband were during labor.
I loved being able to show them that birth is a normal part of life and nothing to be feared. I hope it is a memory they will cherish as the years pass. I know for me it will be something I never forget.
I loved how intimate the evening was. Our entire family has fallen head over heels in love with our new baby boy and life before he arrived is hard to even remember now. He fits right in 🙂
 newborn home birth in florida

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