South Tampa Hospital Birth Photographer

Every time I put together a Birth Video for one of my Tampa Births, it makes me smile and I feel so happy to be apart of such a big moment in someone’s life. These videos are so magical to me because in a moment of excitement, anxiety, and wonder, it’s the best feeling to be next to a family to witness and share in the day. It is such a beautiful moment when your significant other is holding your hand right before your baby is about to enter the world.tampa bay popular birth photographer

Shannon called me a few weeks prior to her daughter’s birth realizing how important Birth Photos would be to her sweet baby girls first moments. These are moments your daughter will be able to share in when she’s older and she can share them with her children and their children. Shannon you’ve given her one of the best gifts!

I hope you enjoy the Birth Video along with some photos from Sweet Baby Girl Nora’s First Day.


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