Kennedy Rose Westchase Newborn Photographer

It’s been a busy beginning of 2019 for this Westchase Newborn Photographer! Thank you to all my families for consistently coming back. It warms my heart to see you and your families grow.

Last month, I had a beautiful little girl come to my studio in Westchase. Miss Kennedy Rose and her Momma joined me.

Brianna’s nursery is decorated in mauve, pink, brighter pink with rose buds so we matched her Westchase Newborn photographer session with similar colors.

Introducing Miss Kennedy Rose born April 26, 2019.

westchase newborn photographer
One of my favorite newborn poses
Tushie up is one of my favorites too!
westchase newborn photographer

If you happen to be interested in our newborn photography sessions, we are located right outside Westchase. Give us a call and we’d be happy to answer any questions for you. We hope we can help to preserve your families memories!

Keep in mind that Ashley Yvonne Photography provides all wraps, props and other items that will add to your newborn photography session. We try to make it as easy as possible when you visit us.

Want to hire me as your photographer?

Let's Chat! Call or Text Me at (813) 277-6275


Rather Email? [email protected]

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