Fun Facts about Your Newborn Neighborhood Photographer

I’ve always had an About Me Section on my website but recently was “challenged” to share some unique facts about me. As Tampa photographers, we are so use to talking to clients about what they love and how they feel. I’m a big talker so I don’t have a problem sharing my day to day things but really, I haven’t gotten into those fun facts about me that rarely come up in regular conversation…so here we go!

1. My favorite Movie is Dirty Dancing. I use to watch Dirty Dancing on my VHS Tape (which was recorded from TV) so many times that the tape broke!

little girl in red drinking a big coke

I loved my Coke!

2. To go along with my love of Dirty Dancing at the very young age of 6 or 7. When called down for dinner, I refused to acknowledge the name Ashley. I would ONLY come down when my Dad called me Penny. “Dad, I’m not coming down to eat till you call me Penny.” He sure loves telling that of four at the playground

3. From ages about 6-13, I had a very bad sleep walking and talking habit. One night I walked to the edge of the stairs in our home and yelled FIRE!! Ya, my parents loved that one. I had a relapse, for lack of a better word at the age of 16 and tried to open the door at our Las Vegas Hotel room. The latch was locked on the door so the noise woke everyone up, as well as me!

4. I worked at this delicious Greek, Italian and Mediterranean Restaurant for three years in Virginia. For those that haven’t had the chance to read my About Me Section, I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. (At 19, I moved to Tampa.) This was a family owned restaurant. Every time I go back to Richmond I visit and eat my heart out. If you’re ever in Richmond and want an amazing food experience, the restaurant is called The Grapevine.

5. I’ve always wanted to experience living my life over seas. I adore Ireland and Italy. My husband and I went to Italy on our honeymoon and quickly fell in love with the food and people. I went to Ireland on a girls trip before I was married, and fell in love with the people, the beer, the overall atmosphere of everything there.

six friends making pyramid at guiness factory

At the Guinness Factory in Ireland

I hope you enjoyed my fun facts! As adults we aren’t as interesting as when we were kids. I work, eat, sleep and travel. I love my travel but I’m sure by now you’ve seen my Traveling posts and are up to date on all of that fun. Stay tuned for more!

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