Connor James Water Birth {Tampa Bay Birth Photographer}

Yay! Another water birth for this Tampa Bay Birth Photographer! Matt & Katie are amazing! They gave birth to their beautiful baby boy Connor James January 16th at 7:06 pm, weighing 9 pounds 9 ounces. One of the reasons I love birth photography is because I get to see the first time the parents lay eyes on their newborn. The love that pours out from them is so contagious!

Personally, when I get to photograph that birth, and then their newborn photos, and up to their 1 year and so on, I have such a bond to that little one. Its absolutely amazing!

Take a look at Connor James Home Water Birth Video

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Ashley Yvonne Photography, a Local Florida Photographer in the Tampa Bay area specializing in Family and Children Photography, Portraits, Water Birth and Newborn Photography.


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