Aria Skye {Tampa Bay, Florida Water Birth Photographer}

When I was first asked to capture the water birth of Aria, I was curious. I had never considered water birth photography in my career. I enthusiastically said YES! I’ve never had a baby of my own, but I knew I needed to do my research. When I arrived, I was quiet as I could naturally be, taking it in from the sidelines. I was very impressed by Mama’s calm spirit and tranquility, surely not everyone could be this great at labor! The beauty I witnessed when she gave birth, it felt surreal, it seemed so easy for her to give birth to sweet Aria Skye.  There is a rejuvenation in me that is ready for this new adventure into water birth photography, which I believe will teach me both creatively and personally. I can’t wait to hear from all the mothers and fathers in the Tampa Bay area who are interested in natural birth whether it be at home, in a birthing center or a hospital and who are interested in capturing their newborns life on camera.
These photos tell the story through my lens.
 Please check out the water birth story below that is told and written by the birth mothers sister Kaylah.
If you’d like to take a look at a short video compilation of water birth photography and video, please take a look at my Ashley Yvonne Photos YouTube Channel here.
If you would like to contact me for your birth photography, please email me at [email protected] or call me 813.277.6275.

How Aria Skye changed the sky forever on the day she was born

Your mommy woke up early on December 26th, knowing that today she would meet her sweet babe. A full moon had been shining that beautiful
night, to help you find your way home to your Mommy and Daddy. On my way to your birth the fog was heavy that morning…. but soon a
beautiful baby would come to make it clear. When I arrived at Carriage House lane, your Mommy was swaying with her best friend Katie, your
new little friend.  She was so bravely standing in the mirror putting on makeup in between her surges. Your mommy was glowing and as
beautiful as ever. As the morning progressed your mommy stayed so strong, never once sending fear down to her baby. She had a sense of
knowing that all would be well and taught everyone in the room what we are capable of doing. Your Daddy was trying to get everything ready
and your sister Kaia was patiently awaiting. She whispered in my ear “Baby is coming”.  Your Mimi and Papi where getting her dressed, for a
trip to the zoo with Papi Paul. Your Mommy’s surges got stronger and stronger and she decided it was time to plunge in the bubbling
jacuzzi.  She put her adorable birth bikini on and got in the tub as soon as she could.  We all saw how relaxed she was in the water and
knew this is where she belonged.  Your little heart stayed so strong the whole entire labor and you continued to work hard to come and meet
your family. The wind began to blow outside and the storms rolled in and let me tell you sweet baby nature was ready. As the trees swayed
and made joyous noise for your arrival, the wind and the rain shouted your name.  Your Mommy rocked and breathed you down all morning long
and Daddy helped by rubbing her back. He gave her lots of kisses and I love you’s, which was just what she needed. One of the most beautiful
moments of your Mommy’s labor, was when a certain song began to play. The words “Crazy girl come here let me hold you” began to play and
your daddy began to sing it to your mommy. As she melted in his arms and tears began rolling down her cheeks, so in love with your daddy
and overwhelmed by his love for her. Her life was so beautiful and her blessings where many. She must of been thinking… life could not be
better than this. Not to long after that your mommy could really feel you getting closer as she breathed in her eucalyptus and lavender
flowers. She continued to work so hard and stay very strong.  We all gathered even closer around, knowing it would soon be time. She held
on to her midwife and slowly breathed you down as your Daddy supported her in the water. Your Mimi got to catch you and put you in your
Mommy’s arms and I am sure that was one of the most special moments in all of your Mimi’s life. Even the song playing when you where born
 was so meant just for you sweet Aria Skye. The lyrics spoke of how even though the sky may change, love will never be given up on. Such a
perfect song for you throughout your life. As every one just stared in awe at at you….the most beautiful new baby in all of the land. Your
Mommy and Daddy where overwhelmed with love and could not believe just how beautiful and perfect you were.  Your mommy soon put you on her
breast and you began to suckle. Knowing that you where loved so much and just where you belonged. You where calmed by your daddy’s voice and that made
your mommy tickled pink.  Your Daddy called your biggest sister Piper over to meet you, she smiled softly and you could tell she was happy.
Your Mommy’s wonderful sister friends brought cake and balloons and the most beautiful pink and purple flowers I have ever seen.  Soon it
was time for your sister Kaia to meet you and when she saw you it was the most miraculous thing.  She had been waiting for you for so very
long and when she arrived home to meet you she could not stop saying your name. We where all standing there laughing and smiling, because
we got to witness the beginning of a bond between sisters that would last for an eternity. She wanted to hold you and touch you and give
you love and never let you go because you were her love.  After a few hours past it was time to go home and let your mommy and you get some
much needed rest. As I drove over the Skyway bridge I was overwhelmed with joy, knowing that such a sweet miracle was here to stay. The sun
was shining so brightly and the sky was Crystal blue, as the water glistened and shimmered on that beautiful day for you, For a moment I
knew that all things in the world must be good, because Jehovah had blessed your family with your love. You will have a million beautiful
photos to remember this day, so Sweet Aria if you ever feel sad just go back to your birth day. Know what a wonderful Mommy you have and
that she is the most kind and loving soul in the whole entire world. You have a wonderful Daddy who will make sure to protect you and keep
you safe with his strength and courage. Always remember how much love you will have around you. From the moment of your birth you
touched so many hearts with your light. I thank you for coming to this earth and our family! Never forget just
how much you are loved and that love is the most important and greatest gift you will ever be able to give or receive.

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