Comfort in time of Happiness and Sorrow

Our third series in our Twelve by Twelve Project is the topic “Comfort.”

Documenting the lives of the families that I’m surrounded by is one of the most rewarding careers. I never imagined I would feel so great about giving this gift to others. From the moment, Mom and Dad call me to say they’re expecting and would like to book Maternity, Birth and Newborn photography sessions, to the moment they see their newborns face- it is some of the most magical, happy moments I am so honored to be a part of.

Little girl looking at her father

The tears, the laughter, the joy that comes from the family’s, and friends as they see this miracle unravel before their eyes, I get to be there to capture it all. How wonderful is that!? These parents however wouldn’t go it alone without the comfort of each other, family members or their friends. It’s a scary thing to know you’re responsible for this little being and that you are now tasked with the job to raise this child into a genuine, well respected adult but I see it through my camera every day how they’re doing it.

Serene moment between mom and dad

The comfort and the backing of families and friends supporting these new parents and I know that’s how they do it. Comfort is a wonderful thing. A mom, a dad, a child know they can do anything and everything they set their mind too when they know that someone they love is there for them when they fall, when they fail, when they succeed.

Parents holding hands black and white

I have been honored to capture so many comforting moments thru my lens and I picked some of the most joyful moments to share with you today.

Family photo during newborn images

Now you see what I see on a daily basis. Doesn’t this make you want the same type of memories captured for you and your family?

Check out the next Photographer in our Series Sweet Plum Photography

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