Beautiful Home Water Birth {St Petersburg Birth Photographer}

I LOVE this birth. I really love every birth to be quite honest but every one of them are unique and different. Mama Caroline had a peaceful serene environment with her loving husband in front of her. Andres was so helpful and caring. Repeatedly he would tell her how well she was doing. Its so nice when you have someone there for you in that way.

Being at so many home births now, I have a feeling that if I ever accidentally was pregnant, I would definitely do a water birth! (And I do mean accidentally!) These women are so courageous! I can’t imagine the bigger connection you have with you little babies by feeling and remembering every step of the labor.

Please enjoy a little video I made for them of their night before the birth of their sweet baby Alicia.


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Ashley Yvonne Photography, a Local Florida Photographer in the Tampa Bay area specializing in Family and Children Photography, Portraits, Water Birth and Newborn Photography.

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