3 Months Successful {Tampa Bay Photographer}

{Photo above taken with Phone Camera}

So you probably wonder what I’ve been doing these last 3 months that I’m saying is a success. Well going back to my blogs.. you can guess, I got married! May 19th, 2012 I married the love of my life and my best friend Christopher. We met as little kids where we grew up in Richmond, Virginia. I had no idea that 20 years later we would marry but if I do say so myself, its a pretty cute story.

We met when we were little, he came over to hang out with my brother, we didn’t know each other personally but 19 years later we see each other at a mutual friends wedding and connected. It took us both a little while to get over the fact that we were right under each others noses the whole time. We went though heart aches and headaches to come back to each other. So we connect, but bad timing! Chris was flying out to live in New Zealand one week later for one year! I was in my BIG time traveling phase and talked about going out to visit. I’d been over there once, mostly to see Australia and had only seen NZ for 3 days. Many people didn’t think I’d go out there but since I promised myself I’d go back to NZ one day, I made it happen. Plus side..I see Chris! We spent two months together roaming around and touring nearby cities of Queenstown, where we stayed. At the time I arrived, Chris had been there four months. Enough time for us to not know where we were headed but by six months, Chris was ready to go home. We left at the same time still unsure of where we stood but knowing we had a fantastic time. One month later, him living in Virginia and I in Florida, we were official and began dating. Fast forward a year or so and here we are married 3 months.

While many people wouldn’t consider 3 months as being a “successful marriage.” It is to me. We take it day by day. If the first year is the hardest of marriage then I say only 7 more months of the hardest year. We are successful so far! We are happily married and having the time of our lives!

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