I am so behind on blogging. I have so much to tell you about too! One of my biggest TO DO’s on my list this year- is take more photos of my family and friends- MY LIFE. My family consisting of my hubby, Chris and my two dogs, Bella and Kirra. I don’t have “kids” per say but I certainly feel like I do sometimes. The photos and blogs won’t be just us, it’ll be my extended family as well as our close friends too. Now, our close friends, they have plen-ty of kids! You’ll be seeing loads more of our lives. I feel like I know so much about all of you so its only fair you get to know me as well and maybe put some faces behind the stories I tell you. So here goes nothing..or something. If you like it, let me know!
If you have any suggestions to help me in my organization of my life, shoot me an email! I love recommendations. [email protected]